Learn about our spiritual DNA

Our Anchors

Anchors are the unshakable faith priorities that Like an anchor keeps a ship from drifting by wind and currents, these seven anchors secure us to God's preferred vision for our church. These unshakeable faith priorities keep us centered in how we follow God’s lead in engaging the world with this great news of love, rescue, and restoration.

  • Rooted in Biblical Truth

    The Bible is God’s truth to all people, regardless of ethnic, social, age, gender, or political labels. It was written by human authors under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because it was inspired by God, it is completely relevant to our lives, culture, and world. It is the beautiful narrative of God choosing a people to demonstrate true rescue, love, and grace for the world.

  • Jesus-centered Compassion

    As Jesus connected with people, he met spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional needs. As followers of Jesus, we want to do the same. God's vision for us is to provide both physical and spiritual food for those in need because he cares for every part of us.

  • God-centered Worship

    God, the creator of what is known and unknown, is worthy of our worship and devotion. He has given us several ways to honor Him, including obedience, singing, musical instruments, media arts, and much more. As we worship together, we experience His presence both intimately and collectively.

  • Holy Spirit-powered Action

    While people can accomplish many things in their own human power, it's nothing in comparison to what can be achieved by God leading the way. Our faith community follows the lead of God's spirit to accomplish the impossible. The Holy Spirit’s presence assures us of our relationship with Christ, guides us into all truth, and exalts Christ. He comforts us, imparts in us spiritual gifts to build up the global Church, and makes us more like Jesus.

  • Disciple-making Mission



    a personal follower of Jesus and His teachings

    The primary role of the Church is to teach and demonstrate how anyone can follow Jesus and learn from His teachings how to live this new life! The exciting part of this is that everyone participates! We all get to participate in developing each other into the best followers of Jesus we can be.

  • Kingdom-centered Vision

    Jesus also talked about the kingdom of God being here, and within our reach. People are healed. Lives are transformed. Signs and wonders occur. At other times, Jesus talks about the kingdom as a future reality, as our hope beyond this life. In other words, sometimes people are not healed in the present. Intractable social issues remain. Jobs are lost, hunger continues, and suffering is real.

    The bible’s teaching of the 'already and not yet of the kingdom' enables us to believe God for His supernatural actions, with an expectation of the miraculous, and to trust God when suffering happens, because of His Spirit building perserverance with us. We walk in both kingdoms to build bridges of rescue to the world that God loves (John 3:16).

  • 'Culturized' without Compromise

    The message that anyone could be a part of God's redemptive plan for creation was intended by Jesus to extend from culture to culture and from generation to generation. We believe and proclaim this message of love, that God sent his own Son Who died for our rebellious actions (sin) and lived again to rescue and restore humanity to Himself. We will share this great news (gospel) with as many as possible, using our spiritual gifts, creativity, and technology. Our methods and language may change, but our message never will.